It is a site for Mystical, Philosophical and Psychology Inquiry. A Place for initiation, learning, and creating. Fit with courses, and information accordingly.


What is the All-Soul?

In the realm of unawareness, souls journey aimlessly, untouched by the luminous insights of the All-Soul, a magnificent constellation interlinked with the essence of existence. This neglect, a blindness to the nurturing caress of the universal embrace, propels one through a barren expanse devoid of celestial nourishment. Yet, within every individual, there exists a spark, a fragment of the All-Soul, eager to harmonize with the cosmic frequencies. She, in her limitless generosity, absorbs and cradles divine wisdom, a silent stream originating from the core of creation. As blossoms unfold towards daylight, each soul, a reflection of the All, captures and is saturated with the infinite aspects of this cosmic consciousness. In her support, the finite merges with the infinite, and in this sacred union, the soul awakens to the majestic chorus of existence, a part and yet entirely one with the All-Soul. Through veiled narratives and soft murmurs, this eternal connection unveils the sublime elegance of being, where each soul, in its reception, becomes a custodian of the divine, an everlasting light shimmering in the endless darkness.

How Does the Soul Create the World?

Imagine embarking on a journey through a vast, dynamic landscape, where each element is crafted from the essence of your soul. This landscape is the phenomenal world, a realm where the physical and the ethereal converge, shaped by your deepest essence into the reality around you. In this place, harmony serves as the invisible thread that binds the diverse aspects into a cohesive whole, creating a masterpiece of existence. Yet, this world transcends mere appearances; it’s a reflection, albeit a shadowy one, of a superior realm, painted with contrasts to achieve overall unity.

Within this mesmerizing scenery, however, lies a challenge. Conflict and discord can sometimes obscure the view, transforming unity into contention, and turning tangible reality into a fleeting illusion. This turmoil originates from a foundational layer of matter — raw, shapeless, and neutral, awaiting the soul’s imprint to infuse life and structure. In its untouched state, this base represents a conundrum, a juxtaposition of potential against the void. Your adventure, therefore, involves more than just witnessing this world; it’s about actively shaping it with your soul’s essence, converting discord into harmony, and unveiling the inherent splendor and virtue. This journey illustrates the interaction between the soul and the phenomenal world, showcasing the transformative power of inner harmony in reshaping the external universe.

The Phenomenal World

Questions For the Path to Enlightenment

What is “the One”? 2. How does “the One” create? 3. Is “the Good” beyond being? 4. What follows “the One”? 5. How does evil fit in? 6. What is the All-Mind? 7. What creates the All-Soul? 8. What shapes the phenomenal world? 9. Why does conflict arise? 10. Is matter inherently evil? 11. Who introduced more beings? 12. How are humans Divine? 13. What is “The Supreme Being”? 14. Who are the Hypercosmic Beings? 15. What does the Demiurge do? 16. Do Mystics believe in evil? 17. What compares to darkness? 18. How is evil defined? 19. When are good things? 20. Why are things evil? 21. Can human perfection be attained now? 22. What leads to perfection and true happiness? 23. Are souls immortal? 24. What’s the soul’s journey after death? 25. Does reincarnation exist?

Dive deep into the heart of these questions, explore them from every angle—above and below, forward and backward, right to left. Within their essence lies a secret, a key to understanding that few have fully grasped. This journey, this quest for knowledge and truth, beckons you to join the ranks of those rare spirits who have ventured beyond the veil of the ordinary. Let curiosity be your guide, let passion fuel your drive, and perhaps, you too will uncover the ultimate secrets whispered through the ages. The path is laid before you; dare to walk it and discover what lies beyond the questions, in the realm of the extraordinary.

“In every tradition lies a singular truth, a beacon illuminating the unity beneath diversity, challenging us to see the interconnectedness of the All.” -Anonymous